all postcodes in CO4 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO4 6AB 9 0 51.912254 0.893936
CO4 6AA 0 51.916396 0.88798
CO4 6AD 0 51.916928 0.887185
CO4 6AE 0 51.917213 0.8862
CO4 6AF 0 51.91644 0.886921
CO4 6AG 0 51.916339 0.886275
CO4 6AH 0 51.916618 0.888823
CO4 6AJ 0 51.91779 0.887982
CO4 6AL 1 51.91936 0.901682
CO4 6AN 9 0 51.918255 0.889205
CO4 6AP 8 0 51.918563 0.888395
CO4 6AR 25 0 51.917725 0.888807
CO4 6AS 6 0 51.917308 0.890046
CO4 6AQ 4 0 51.91696 0.890314
CO4 6AT 1 1 51.921789 0.900573
CO4 6AU 27 0 51.917159 0.892828
CO4 6AY 1 0 51.917223 0.900453
CO4 6BA 1 0 51.915768 0.899632
CO4 6BP 11 0 51.916521 0.892046
CO4 6BQ 3 0 51.916358 0.894289